Youth Ministry Conference

In partnership with Youth Challenge and Carolina Christian Youth Camp, God’s Bible School is hosting a free Youth Ministry Conference September 28-30 (Thursday afternoon through Saturday noon).

This will be an intensely practical, hands-on time of learning and fellowship with main speaker Nate Becker featuring present topics, lead discussions, guided workshops, and hosted activities.


While the event is free, registration is required due to limited space.

Contact Information

Lodging and attendance are limited.

For registration and other information, contact Dr. Steve Oliver at

Event Details

Start: Thursday, September 28 | 1:00 pm
End: Saturday, September 30 | Noon


Free! However, attendance is limited.

Lodging available for 8 off-campus attendees/couples

Some class-type instruction—but the focus will be on practical, hands-on training. 

Main speakerNate Becker


  • Open to students, pastors, and youth workers
  • Required for students enrolled in MNED 331, Introduction to Youth Ministry
  • Also offered as MNED 335, Ministry Practicum: Youth Ministry (1 credit)

Schedule and Topics

Date Time Event Topic (tentative) Speaker/leader
Thurs 1-2:15pm Session 1 The Why in Youth Ministry Activities Becker/Rinker
  2:30-4:30pm Workshop 2 Designing Ice Breakers & Games Becker/Rinker
  6-7:30pm   Teen activity night (on GBS campus, for ACA)  
  8-9:30pm   Wrap up and fellowship  
Fri 9-10am Session 3 Keys to Connection 1 Nate Becker
  10-11am Session 4 Keys to Connection 2 Reuben Rinker
  11a-12pm Chapel   Nate Becker
  12-1pm Lunch    
  1-2pm Session 5 Intentionality in Activities & Programming J Ratcliff
  2:30-4:30pm Workshop 6 Designing Inclusive Activities Reuben Rinker
  6-9pm   Youth night (outdoors at New Life)  
Sat 9-10:30am Session 7 Youth, culture and the church J Ratcliff
  11a-12pm Session 8 Q&A: specific challenges faced by attendees Nate Becker



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