Hebrew Exegesis I
Course code: HBRW 600
Hebrew Exegesis I introduces Hebrew syntax and leads students in exegetical analysis of specified passages from the Hebrew Bible.
Intended Outcomes
- Knowledge of
- The key elements of Hebrew syntax as they relate to exegesis.
- A twelve-step exegetical method for understanding and applying OT Hebrew texts.
- A basic familiarity with BHS and BHQ, the standard critical Hebrew Bibles.
- An understanding of the biblical, systematic, and practical theological implications of Jonah, Genesis 1, Deut. 6, 8, Psalms 1-2, and Proverbs 3.
- Glosses for all Hebrew words that occur over 100x in the Hebrew Bible.
- Appreciation for
- Added value that a knowledge of Hebrew adds to OT exegesis.
- Both the positive and negative roles that Hebrew grammar plays in translation and exegesis of OT texts.
- Exegetical method above exegetical conclusions.
- The value of literary analytical tools for developing a biblical theological understanding of Hebrew narrative.
- The confirmatory value of discourse analysis tools in identifying text types, text boundaries, and theological emphases.
- Ability to
- Parse Hebrew verbs and distinguish verb senses based on their stem.
- Apply the twelve step exegetical method in the production of an exegetical paper or an expository sermon.
- Articulate how use of Hebrew contributes to the exegetical process.
- Use the critical apparati of BHS and BHQ.
- Make better use of Hebrew grammar for translation, translation evaluation, word study, and exegetical analysis.
Assignment Overview
- Students will use a standard critical Hebrew text to translate and analyze Hebrew text from the Old Testament.
- Students will write two exegetical papers, approximately 10-12 pages each.
- How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament: Twelve Steps from Exegesis to Theology by Jason DeRouchie
- Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia
- A Reader’s Hebrew Bible by A. Philip Brown II and Bryan Smith
- Logos 9 GBSC Package ($384)