CHOIR TOUR – Avon Park Holiness Camp

Avon Park Holiness Camp 1001 W. Lake Isis Ave., Avon Park, FL, United States

Come and join the GBS College Choir for an evening full of music and testimonies. We hope to see you there!

CHOIR TOUR – Ada Chapel Bible Methodist Church

Ada Chapel Bible Methodst Church 12540 N Scottsville Rd., West Blocton, AL, United States

Come and join the GBS College Choir for an evening full of music and testimonies. We hope to see you there!

COVENANT – Randolph Friends Church

Randolph Friends Church 6531 N 300 W, Ridgeville, IN, United States

Come and join Covenant at the Randolph Friends Church for an evening full of music and testimonies. We hope to see you there!
