Hebrew Exegesis: Deuteronomy
Course code: HBRW 601

Hebrew Exegesis: Deuteronomy consists of translation and exegetical analysis in Hebrew of the book of Deuteronomy, with special attention to how syntactical structures contribute to semantic analysis.

Intended Outcomes

  • Knowledge Outcomes—By the end of the course you should have…
    • Learned key elements of Hebrew syntax as they relate to exegesis
    • Learned a twelve-step exegetical method for understanding and applying OT Hebrew texts.
    • Gained a basic familiarity with BHQ, the standard critical Hebrew Bible.
    • Gained an understanding of biblical, systematic, and practical theological implications of portions of Deuteronomy.
  • Values & Affective Outcomes—As a result of taking this course you should…
    • Appreciate added value that a knowledge of Hebrew adds to OT exegesis.
    • Value both the positive and negative roles that Hebrew grammar plays in translation and exegesis of OT texts.
    • Prioritize exegetical method above exegetical conclusions
    • Appreciate the confirmatory value of discourse analysis tools in identifying text types, text boundaries, and theological emphases.
  • Skills Outcomes— At the end of this course you should…
    • Parse Hebrew verbs and distinguish verb senses based on their stem.
    • Conduct word studies and subject studies on Hebrew vocabulary and semantic domains.
    • Apply the twelve step exegetical method in the production of an exegetical paper or an expository sermon.
    • Articulate how use of Hebrew contributes to the exegetical process.
    • Make better use of Hebrew grammar and discourse analysis for translation, translation evaluation, word study, and exegetical analysis.

Assignment Overview

  • Students will use a standard critical Hebrew text to translate and analyze Hebrew text from the Old Testament.
  • Students will write two exegetical papers, approximately 8-10 pages each.


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