Theology of Evangelism
Course code: PRTH 503

Theology of Evangelism examines the doctrine of mission and evangelistic outreach as found in both Old and New Testaments and the practical outcomes that ought to flow from this theology, both for the individual believer and for the local church.

Intended Outcomes

Students will know

  • The biblical precepts concerning God’s missional activity throughout both Old and New Testaments.
  • The theological story and themes of the Testaments to arrive at a formidable application of effective evangelism in contemporary settings.

Students will appreciate

  • The importance of Jesus’ use of compassionate ministry to impact evangelistic efforts.
  • The responsibility we have not just to formulate a truthful theology of evangelism but also to practice holy outreach in personal and corporate settings.

Students will be able to

  • Provide evidence of a consistent devotional life integrating the elements of the developing inner life, mutual accountability and Christian mission.
  • Practice ministry that fulfills the evangelistic and discipleship mission of the church.

Assignment Overview

  • Lectures (both pre-recorded and real-time interaction via Google Meet) will supplement the class textbooks to insure that you are adequately exposed to life-changing information.
  • Readings are assigned to expose students to the course content. They will have opportunities to interact with the readings.
  • Daily devotional life consisting of prayer and Bible study.
  • Students will write weekly responses to reading and lectures and interact with others concerning your positions.
  • Devise a learning contract to investigate some theological issue concerning evangelism and/or missionality. This will be approved by the professor and consist of 15-20 hours of work.
  • An open-book final.


Dr. Matt Friedeman

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